Sunday, July 11, 2010

red + yellow

in honor of today's FIFA World Cup final, i'm posting some flowers in the color of spain's flag who i hope/believe will triumph over the netherlands in today's match. truth be told i would have loved to be doing this post in red, white and blue, or even white and blue (argentina), but sadly, it was not meant to be.

i would also like to publicly thank jane for tolerating my wildly swinging moods over the past few weeks all because of which team won or loss, and for listening to me talk penalties, yellow cards, offsides, etc. without glazing over. ok, a little glazing over but still she nodded and listened as if she gave a hoot.

a big thank you to eric foley photography for the beautiful collage helping me get my point across.  go spain!

1 comment:

  1. Spain winning was an early Birthday gift for Agna! (actual event: 7-12) Yay :)
    Sis (who cannot figure out to post as anything other than 'annon'...)
